Chain-saws, new ores and more!

This is the new update for Voxel2d its called Grind-update,  i added a bunch of new things like chainsaw(ik it kinda doesnt make sense but its

 fine) new ore "OBSIDIUM ORE" a purple colorish ore that is used to craft the strongest and fastest tools in the game, its kinda rare but not

 that much, added chests too now you can store your items and get them back later, and now for the fun part the chain saw so to craft the-

 chainsaw you need 9999999 iron, 999999 diamond, 99999 coal, becuz of this chain saw is nearly impossible to get with or without cheats,

and also i added blocks for the ores like diamond, iron, obsidium

so have fun.


Voxel-2D(grind-update).zip 31 MB
5 days ago

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